Mac Installation Instructions:
Installation instructions are for use with Python 2
This is the Python module that will enable you to communicate with the Arduino over the serial port. Typically this will be one of the USB ports on your laptop.
Open Terminal
Type in pip install pyserial
Arduino IDE:
This is what you will need to program the Arduino. The language of the Arduino is very similar to C. But don’t worry if you don’t know C! We’ll only need to initialize components, all the heavy lifting will be done in Python.
- Download the Arduino IDE for your OS from here:
Windows Installation Instructions:
Installation instructions are for use with Python 2
This is the Python module that will enable you to communicate with the Arduino over the serial port. Typically this will be one of the USB ports on your laptop.
- Open command prompt
- Type in pip install pyserial
- If you have not installed pip follow these instructions: - upgrading-pip
Arduino IDE:
This is what you will need to program the Arduino. The language of the Arduino is very similar to C. But don’t worry if you don’t know C! We’ll only need to initialize components, all the heavy lifting will be done in Python.
- Download the Arduino IDE for your OS from here: